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Love God, Love People, Share Hope

Our vision is to be a caring Christian community who loves God, serves others and shares the hope of the risen Lord Jesus Christ.



"Go into all the world . . ."

Our mission is to be witnesses for Jesus, and to equip and encourage Christians to grow in their walk with Jesus.  We nurture a caring, worshipping and praying community where the Bible is faithfully taught, understood and applied.  We encourage each believer to live out their faith in loving service to others, and to reach out with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is accomplished through the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of each believer as we personally experience His love and power in our lives.



The Essentials of Our Faith

We believe that God is triune (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).  We believe that God created heaven and earth and all that is in them.  We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead.  We believe that Jesus ascended into heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to indwell and empower all believers.  We believe that Jesus will come again to rapture His Church, resurrect the dead, and rule as King.  We believe the Bible is God's written word.  We believe that all have sinned and have rebelled against God.  We believe that God calls all people everywhere to repent and believe in Jesus Christ as the resurrected Lord and Savior, and all who do so receive forgiveness and eternal life. 


A detailed explanation of the fundamental truths of the Assemblies of God is found at

New Life Assembly

254 S Highway 24

Rupert, ID 83350

(208) 434-2004

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